D’var Torah – Parashat Beshalach

This week’s tragic event with the loss of 24 soldiers during a building collapse in Gaza
caused by Hamas, made me feel like things are just getting worse.
Is redemption/salvation, freedom, release nearby?
D’var Torah – Parashat Bo

Do you believe in miracles? Does the belief in miracles goes hand in hand
with the belief in G-D?
D’var Torah – Va’eira

A woman working for the Israeli army as the interrogator of terrorists who are captured in Israel used to see them in the hospital if they got injured. In one of her visits, she saw a Palestinian boy who was treated for his illness by Jewish nurses and doctors who gave him other than medicine much love and sweet treats.
D’var Torah – Miketz and Hannuakah

The name of the holiday we are celebrating these days is Hanukkah which means dedication – the verb lachnoch – shares the same root as the verb Lechanech – to educate.