Beth Moshe Congregation

D’var Torah – Ki Tisa

In the Torah portion of Hukat in the book of Numbers, the Israelites are bitten by snakes, get ill and some even die. They ask to be saved and Moses prays to G-d on their behalf. In verse 21: 8 – G-d says to Moses, “make a seraph figure and mount it high (Al Nes), and if anyone who is bitten looks at it, he shall recover.”

D’var Torah – Tetzaveh

This week’s Torah portion is called Tetzaveh. It comes in perfect order after the Torah portion of Teruma when we learn about how to build our “Traveling Temple” and now we go deeper, from learning about the Aron – the Ark of light to Aharon – adding to the word Aron the letter Hey to create the name of the priest, The one who is responsible to keep the light alive – The Ner Tamid: The eternal light!

D’var Torah – Teruma

This week’s Torah portion is about our Mitzvah project of building the ark, the Aron ha-kodesh, which was made not only as a storage place for our Torah but also as a storage (source) of light.

D’var Torah – Mishpatim

This week Torah portion is Mishpatim – Laws, It is a perfect segway from last week Torah portion when we were inspired by the revelation on Mt. Sinai hearing the ten commandments and now, we are introduced to more practical laws we can apply to our daily life and reality.